Monday, April 25, 2011

Month of Change- Day 25

We are in the final week of "Month of Change."  These past few weeks have been great as we have heard stories of what is going on with coworkers, family and friends who are chipping in for the cause of our friends in Ethiopia.  I want to thank you for being a part of this month so far and let you know that I am praying that it has been an encouragement to each of you.

Practically, I want to tell you of a few simple things that will be bought out of the money raised this month.  We will be buying a refrigerator.  Right now the food for all of these people is bought each day and left out until it is used.  As you can imagine, this is more expensive and more dangerous than if we had a fridge to store it in.  The refrigerator will be about $500, so we are excited to be able to have that for all of our people.  Now that there are about twice as many people involved, it will be a real gift.

Also, Endris has started a library for the kids at the school and others in the neighborhood.  When programs are not going on, people are encouraged to come in and use our library. It has childrens books, textbooks, Bibles and other encouraging materials.  There are books written in both English and Amharic.  What we need for it are some bookshelves.  Some of the money from "Month of Change" will go towards setting up the only community library in that part of Addis.  We are very excited about this simple step.  Our compound is feeling more and more like home!

Thanks for everything.

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