She lives with her mom, dad and one of her two sisters. Their family makes a living by renting homes. They were eager to share of their happiness and health. Throughout our stay Beza and I were showered in generosity. Her mother presented us with Firfir and Injera - which was delicious but made for my second lunch. I sat praying as I was eating that my stomach would be stretchier than ever before, haha! At the end of our stay her sister brought me a necklace and bracelet saying that they desired to give me a small gift for coming. I can say with some certainty that my face was fire-hydrant red upon receiving this. It was a beautiful gift but I couldn't help but be completely humbled.

Garnet completed grade school but chose not to go to college. In fact, before LIA she admitted she wasn't doing much of anything. The hairdressing program has given her a sort of small purpose and drive. She hopes afterward to open her own salon. Their family kept saying how brave I was; with which I couldn't help but argue that in fact they were the brave ones. Their love for each other and me softened me in a very memorable way.
Thanks, Ashley... a beautiful report from our ETS intern! Sounds like you were blessed beyond all expectations. Am so happy for you... Will look forward to your next post. Selam!